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Old 05-10-2011, 03:28 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by DuncanR View Post
What a week-end of carnage, and even I got lucky on the Monday when 2 cars came together at 90 mph in front of me. Got it on vid but not posting it which is a shame as Tankslapper and I were on a decent lap given the traffic we carved through, and still posted an 8:25. No injuries in the crash in front of me, so I did the only decent thing to do at the Ring if its abvious no one is hurt and thats fook off out of it ! I want no involvement whatsoever with something that doesnt involve me directly, too much specualtion, too much distortion, too much forum bollocks gets turned over by people who werent there and didnt see it, so my advice is as above, no injuries ?, no direct involvement ? no stop.
We drove past the poor marshall on the Saturday who was bowled over by a car as he flagged the incident which was a car fire at AF.
The greedy money grabbing twats running the Ring now imho opinion are riding on the edge of a Corporate Manslaughter charge if things dont change. The sooner their contract/lease ends the better.
Its a Racetrack when they want it to be and a Public road when it suites, and probably a whole manner of things in between.
With regards to the 8 car pile up, I would be looking at the German regulations for temporary road markings and their required setup distances etc., they needed signage that sloooowed people down well before the incident, not panic them into slamming the brakes on and causing havoc.
We happened to be watching at Breidscheid , and taking a cheeky Ice Cream on board when that gaggle of cars came through all together, 2 abreast all the way up around Ex Muhle, and I commented then "that will end in tears" .. you could tell from the speed and car language that that group werent giving in to anyone, which is probably why the accident happened, so intent on keeping their track position etc. that they didnt look at the bigger picture looming up in front of them when the lead vehicles hit the brakes. Could have been a whole lot worse that one.
There doesnt seem to be a report about the poor biker who probably lost his leg sadly on Monday in another crash.
My other personal opinion for what its worth, if its a German Bank Holiday, let them have their fookin track to themselves.
Thanks for your feedback dUuK I agree entirely
I'm glad no Cecils were harmed that weekend

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